AA Inter 3

Aqua of Eden by fedefauli
October 24, 2015, 5:27 pm
Filed under: Federico

My intention is to create a new ideology; thus casting a new iconography of the perception of the Garden of Eden’s archetype through juxtaposition with the Apocalyptic Myth, whereby these two begin to create a diptych dialogue of creation and destruction. The Garden of Eden, seen not as an origin, but as a destination, or a visualization of a possible future, and the Apocalypse as a point of departure, closing a cyclical manifestation of rebirth.

In this scenario, the Edenic Myth’s sense of nostalgia is employed to denote our desire to return to a simpler society and innocent era, through climate changes. Whereas the Apocalyptic Myth,employs the language of fear and disaster, revealing our endemic worry about the future, but also as a calling, to act.

Water as a source of creation and destruction and all in between; growth and transformation. Consequently, water becomes the key element, clearly underlining a sense of movement, dynamic in the process of the landscape’s transformation – alluding to the process of the Deliverance Myth.

My idea is represented through a corrosion of images, implying transformation; as water changes the landscape, the same affects the drawing.

Developed through a series of drawings, starting from the original painting, trough chromatic triangulation and exaggerations, leading to a new Eden interpretation.

Reconnecting to the idea of water as a source of life but also of destruction, as well as growth; my intention is to create a final design characterized by the presence of water and the changes it brought; a socio-morphological context.

Picturing a hospitable area rich in lush vegetation due by the abundance of water, contrasted by an overpopulated city inconsiderate of its environment swallowed and consumed by water.

I want to outline both climatic and morphological issues, creating an environment of harmony and contradiction between Eden and Chaos, between light and dark, between life and death.

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